Construcap Group

The Construcap Group is composed by the following companies:

Meet our companies

Construcap CCPS Engenharia e Comércio S/A.
Avenida Doutora Ruth Cardoso, 8501 - 32º andar, CEP 05425-070, Pinheiros, São Paulo (SP).
Phone: (+5511) 3017-8000

Minas Arena - Gestão de Instalações Esportivas S/A (Sports Facilities Management)

Construcap has a 55% ownership interest in Minas Arena, who is responsible for the modernization and management of the Mineirão Stadium located in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State.

Av. Álvares Cabral, 1833 – Sala 503
CEP 30170-001 Belo Horizonte – MINAS GERAIS STATE – Brazil Phone: (+5531) 3503-7020

CMO Construção e Montagem Off-Shore S/A. (Offshore Construction and Assembly)

Incorporated in 2011, CMO is focused on the development of efficient and modern solutions to meet the needs of offshore and naval industries both in Brazil and abroad with capacity to deliver IPCI compliant solutions. CMO has designed and is building a 500,000 m2 shipyard that boasts the latest in technology and equipment. The shipyard is located at São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina State.

Edifício Torre do Rio Sul
Rua Lauro Muller, 116, 16ºandar
Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, CEP: 22.290-160
Phone (21)21 07 3100

Inova Saúde (Hospital Equipment, Maintenance and Construction Services)

Inova Saúde was established in 2014 for the construction of three major hospitals and the supply of healthcare equipment, maintenance and management of non-health related services.

The hospitals will be built in São Paulo State in the cities of São Paulo (218 beds), Sorocaba (250 beds) and São José dos Campos (158 beds) totaling 626 beds.

Construction timeframe:

  • Hospital São Paulo: 36 months
  • Hospital Sorocaba: 30 months
  • Hospital São José dos Campos: 30 months

Timeframe for Management of Non-Health Related Services:

  • 17 years

Avenida Doutora Ruth Cardoso, 8501 - 32º andar, CEP 05425-070, Pinheiros, São Paulo (SP), Phone number: +55 (11) 3017-8000